Rickshaws and rickshaw painting in Dhaka (Bangladesh)
Nomination: Representative List 2018
EN: Two rickshaw mistris (rickshaw craftsmen) are seen framing a rickshaw body at a rickshaw workshop in Dhaka City.
EN: The master rickshaw mistri (master rickshaw craftsman) is seen sewing a painted plastic sheet to decorate a rickshaw hood at his rickshaw workshop in Dhaka City.
EN: A rickshaw mistri is seen painting decorative motifs on the aluminum sheathing of a rickshaw at the same rickshaw workshop.
EN: At the same rickshaw workshop the final product is a gorgeously decorated and painted rickshaw which a rickshaw mistri is finally examining to ensure its stability.
EN: A rickshaw artist is seen painting a thematic picture on a plate of corrugated iron which will eventually embellish the back of a rickshaw.
EN: A couple of thematic pictures for rickshaw painting: The top one depicts three freedom-fighters. This depiction is reminiscent of the Liberation War of Bangladesh in 1971 The bottom one depicts typical rural life of Bangladesh
EN: A couple of thematic pictures for rickshaw painting: The top one depicts a profusely decorated rickshaw with the rickshaw puller and a passenger in a typical urban environment. The bottom one is a depiction of birds and chickens.
EN: This thematic picture meant for rickshaw painting depicts a classroom of a wide variety of animals, large and small.
EN: A rickshaw race about to commence. It is illustrative of social practices, rituals and festive events that the element has given birth to.
EN: Dhaka City: The Rickshaw Capital of the World