Filete porteño in Buenos Aires, a traditional painting… (Argentina)
Nomination: Representative List 2015
EN: Filete worktable with some tools: different kind of paintbrushes, paint colours, chalk, 'muñeca' (device made of cloth with smashed chalk in it) and two signs in progress
EN: Close caption to special filete paintbrushes: 'bandas' (4 to 6 cm long hair with no handle) and paintbrushes for letters, all made of cow ears' hair
EN: 'Espúlvero': punched paper through which the 'muñeca' is rubbed in order to copy the drawing to the painting surface
EN: Painting a store window: rubbing the 'muñeca' through the 'espúlvero' to pass the drawing onto the glass
EN: Painting a store window: the painting starts with the plain colours
EN: Painting a store window: after the plain colours are done, the 'yapán' (coloured varnish) is added, in order to give volume to the painting
ES: Una persona decora el cristal de un escaparate. Después de aplicar los colores de base, añade el "yapán" (un barniz coloreado) para darle volumen a la pintura.
EN: Painting a store window: the technique of filete painting requires the use of the little finger as a support and guide to the hand that holds the paintbrush
EN: Painting a store window: after the 'yapán', light is added to complete the illusion of volume
EN: Painting a store window: some of the filete classic ornaments are present - acanthus leaves, spirals, buttons and flowers, painted in vibrant colours
EN: Painting a store window: finished work that includes its author signature