Yoga (India)
Nomination: Representative List 2016
EN: Natrajasana (Lord of the dance pose Nataraja is one of the names given to the God Shiva in his form as the cosmic dancer. This aesthetic, stretching and balancing asana is used in Indian classical dances also.)
EN: Chakrasana (Wheel pose. It is a backbending pose and an important posture of Hatha Yoga widely practiced for a healthy spine.)
EN: Nadi Shodhan (Alternate Nostril breathing is a technique that helps clear out blocked energy channels in the body, which in turn calms the mind. It is also known as 'Anulom Vilom pranayama' in India.)
EN: Pranavasana (It is also called Yognidrasana said to be practiced by the Yogies for deep relaxation. It is an advanced posture being practiced for attainment of control over the senses.)
EN: Sutraneti (The yogic system of body cleansing techniques In sutra neti, a length of wet string or thin surgical tubing is carefully and gently inserted through the nose and into the mouth. The end is then pulled out of the mouth and while holding both ends at once the string is alternately pulled in and out of the nose and sinuses. This helps to practice Pranayama with comfort and effectively.)
EN: A yoga camp in India
EN: Tha-mula bandha (nauli) with Tha-uddiyana bandha Internal yogic locks (bandhas) have some structural functions, but primarily they are energetic in nature, and on a very tangible level they regulate the flow of blood through the body. Anatomically a bandha is the co-activation (simultaneous tensing) or opposing muscles around a joint complex.
EN: Yoga and its deep-rooted connection with performing arts of India
EN: Yoga-sutras 196 aphorisms that constitute the foundational text of Ashtanga yoga (The eight limb path of yoga) written some 2200 years ago by Indian Sage Patanjali
EN: Yoga - ancient scientific and medical knowledge of humanity