Land-of-Legends programme, for promoting and revitalizing… (Sweden)
Nomination: Register of Good Safeguarding Practices 2018
EN: The Museum of Legends, with its garden that is full of stories as well
EN: Guided storytelling tour at the Museum of Legends
EN: At the Museum of Legends, visitors meet different creatures. Here is a giant
EN: A story cabinet at one of the legendary places in the Land of Legends, where visitors can read or listen to the story, using their mobile phones
EN: Storytelling at one of the mythical places in the forest
EN: The Storytelling Festival often gives attention to minorities, such as the Romany storytelling tradition
EN: The Ljungby Storytelling festival, storytelling in the marketplace
EN: The storytelling pedagogue at the Museum is telling together with children
EN: Children learn to use storytelling (connected to the objectives in the curriculum) in school
EN: New technology is used to spread knowledge of oral storytelling, such as geocaching using a GPS and the cache being a story