
Four new International Assistance projects supported by the Intangible Cultural Heritage Fund

Three new International Assistance projects in Africa supported by the Intangible Cultural Heritage Fund

Ugandan museums as key actors for the safeguarding of living heritage

Bringing education and living heritage closer together: the first global Online training of trainers course on living heritage and education ended recently

30 April: online international conference on living heritage and climate change in Eastern Africa

Five communities in Western Uganda participated in documenting and revitalizing Empaako intangible cultural heritage
Training of trainers workshop on ICH documentation

Bureau decides on Jeju Island as the location for the Intergovernmental Committee and grants International Assistance to Uganda and Colombia

Traditions from Portugal, Uganda and Ukraine inscribed on the List of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Need of Urgent Safeguarding

New inscriptions on the lists of intangible cultural heritage

Peacebuilding, natural disasters mitigation and indigenous communities supported by the Intangible Cultural Heritage Fund

Financial assistance, a key mechanism for the safeguarding of intangible cultural heritage in Africa

Three new elements inscribed on the Urgent Safeguarding List