La “Momoeria”, celebración del Año Nuevo en ocho… (Grecia)
Candidatura: Lista representativa 2016
EN: Momoeri dance in a village house yard, with the 'bride' they 'protect' in the middle of their circle, where is also lurking 'the devil', Tetralofos village
EN: The 'old woman' pretends that she cannot walk, so one of the spectators is obliged to carry her in his back. Agios Demetrios village
EN: Momoeri visiting one be one all the houses in their village, Tetralofos village
EN: The treats and 'tsipouro' (local alcoholik drink) are ready to be offered to the Momoeri, after they finish their performance that brings prosperity and happiness in the house they visit, Karyohori village
EN: The procession of Momoeri walks through the village, going from one house to the next, Karyohori village
EN: Momoeri enjoy the treats and 'tsipouro' after they have danced in the house-yard, Karyohori village
EN: The spectators and 'the devil' cooperate to reveal the hiding place where the 'abductor' keeps the 'bride', Tetralofos village
EN: Momoeri dance in the yard of a house, Tetrafolos village
EN: After the Momoeri and the theatrical team have finished their performance, a big feast is held in the central square of each village, Tetrafolos village
EN: 'The doctor' 'examines' not only 'the bride', but the spectators as well, Thessaloniki