La danza y música con lira arqueada del pueblo madi (Uganda)
Candidatura: Lista de Salvaguardia Urgente 2016
EN: Madi community members in Moyo District in a consultative meeting at Moyo Multipurpose Centre discussing the modalities of nominating the Madi Bowl lyre music and dance (O'di) in to UNESCO Urgent Safeguarding List
EN: O'di practitioners performing the Madi Bowl lyre music and dance in an ensemble at Moyo Multipurpose Training Centre, Moyo District
EN: Solo o'di performance accompanied by singing and dancing during the consultative meeting with practitioners in Adjumai District
EN: O'di performance by women showing the sliding dancing style and gettle waist wriggling during interviews
EN: Women in Panyanga village, Moyo District, preparing a meal for o'di makers. Cooking and eating food is one of the rituals performed when making an o'di instrument.
EN: O'di makers placing the turtle shell on the skin for naming o'di. Naming of o'di is another important ritual that happens before an animal skin is laced on the turtle shell. An o'di is referred to by such a name throughout its lifespan.
EN: Picture showing the ritual of inserting a piece of broom and stone picked from a quarrelsome women into the sound bowl of the Madi Bowl lyre. This is a ritual performed to make o'di sound loud and enjoyable.
EN: Picture showing Mzee Juluga Thomas playing a newly made o'di and a colleague singing together with him at Laropi, Moyo District
EN: A picture showing children consenting to nominate the Madi Bowl lyre music and dance (O'di) into the UNESCO Urgent Safeguarding List
EN: A picture of one of the clan elders and an o'di practitioner, Angeliko Negro, signing a consent form to nominate the Madi Bwl lyre music and dance (O'di) into the UNESCO list of elements in Need of Urgent Safeguarding. The picture is taken at his home in Agojo village, Adjumani District, after an interview with him.