‘Kolo’, danza folclórica tradicional (Serbia)
Candidatura: Lista representativa 2017
EN: Performance of the kolo step pattern as part of a choreography of the Kolo Ensemble
EN: A kolo performance at the inauguration of the International Conference of the ICOM Costume Committee at the Ethnographic Museum in Belgrade
EN: A round dance formation on stage in a performance by the Kolo Ensemble
EN: A collective performance of the kolo by members of folklore ensembles, participants in 'Čivijada' at Šabac
EN: The performance of the kolo at a wedding party in Belgrade. The lead dancer (kolovođa) is the groom's brother (dever), who has the ceremonial role of the 'bride's guardian'
EN: Childbirth celebration in which relatives and friends accompany the child's father. The kolo is performed to the accompaniment of music by the celebration's participants at a Belgrade restaurant
EN: A spontaneous performance of the kolo by participants and visitors of the 'Livada' Fest (Meadow Fest - Zlatibor Haymow) at Vodice. While experienced dancers perform various versions of the basic step pattern, visitors learn to dance the kolo by imitating their their steps
EN: A massive kolo performance by visitors at the Oplenac Harvest at Topola. Good dancers demonstrate their dancing skills and physical stamina, while those less skilled freely enjoy dancing and socializing
EN: Practice of the 'Vila' (Fairy) Children's Folklore Ensemble from Novi Sad
EN: A kolo performance as part of a satellite programme within the celebration of 'Đurđevdan' (St George's feast) in the village of Vrtovac near Knjaževac. The youngest members of the local folklore ensemble present a kolo variant from their cultural heritage