“Hidrellez”, celebración de la primavera (Macedonia del Norte, Turquía)
Candidatura: Lista representativa 2017
EN: Pelivan wrestling on Hidrellez Day, North Macedonia
EN: People are put swing up on fertile tree and swinging, North Macedonia
EN: Girls are gathering around the pot for practicing Martufal rituals, North Macedonia
EN: Young girls mix the Nishans inside the pot and picks them one by one, North Macedonia
EN: Girls are singing mani during Martufal rituals, North Macedonia
EN: Lighting the bonfire, Türqyie
EN: Celebrations of Hidrellez Day, Türkiye
EN: Putting wishes inside the pot during Martafal rituals, Türkiye
EN: Girl is tying a ribbon on rose tree for her wish, Türkiye
EN: Girls and women are putting rings in a pot filled with water, flowers and herbs for their wishes, Türkiye