Enkipaata, Eunoto y Olng’esherr, tres ritos de… (Kenya)
Candidatura: Lista de Salvaguardia Urgente 2018
EN: Maasai elders mentoring young initiates during Enkipata stage
EN: Elders watching initiates at night in the bush during Enkipaata
EN: Initiates heading back to the Manyatta accompanied by elders for the Enkipaata ceremony
EN: Elders blessing initiates by sprinkling milk on them from calabashes whose lids are covered with green grass
EN: The shaving of Morans dreadlocks during Eunoto is done within four days of festivities
EN: The shaving of Morans by their mothers is the climax of Eunoto
EN: Meat being roasted for the Olng'ésherr ceremony
EN: Elders administering an oath to a couple during Olng'ésherr to test their morality and commitment to the age set
EN: Representatives of the nine clans of the Maasai during a workshop on the ICH elements of the community
EN: Elders giving content to inscription of the three rites of passage