Polonesa, danza tradicional polaca (Polonia)
Candidatura: Lista representativa 2023
EN: Learning Polonaise steps and dance figures in kindergarten (age group: 6-year-olds) in the Private Pre-School in Warsaw
EN: Learning Polonaise steps and dance figures in kindergarten (age group: 6-year-olds) in the Private Primary School No 6 in Warsaw
EN: Polonaise danced at the end of education at the Secondary School No 1 in Józefów
EN: High school graduation prom ("Studniówka") organized one hundred days before the high school exam ("matura") at the High School No IV in Biała Podlaska
EN: High school graduation prom ("Studniówka") organized one hundred days before the high school exam ("matura") at the High School No LXX in Warsaw
EN: Teenagers aged 13-16 from the Integration Club of Polish Dances perform the Polonaise during the gala concert at the Country-wide Polish Dance Contest in Wronki
EN: Polonaise in traditional Polish costumes during the concert for the 40th anniversary of the song and dance groupe "Łany"
EN: Polonaise danced by 250 participants during the 65th anniversary of the song and dance groupe "Lublin"
EN: Polonaise danced by many participants during the Dance Night in Krakow
EN: Setting the Guiness record on the highest number of pairs dancing the Polonaise with the participation of members of the song and dance group "Zamojszczyzna" and students of schools and pupils from kindergartens in Zamość