Países beneficiarios: Mauritania
The twelve-month project was implemented by the Conservation Nationale du Patrimoine Culturel, aiming to strengthen the capacities of NGOs active in the field of intangible cultural heritage in Mauritania. There are around fifty NGOs across Mauritania working on various activities related to living heritage, comprising a large part of the bearers responsible for safeguarding, disseminating and promoting living heritage. A few Mauritanian NGOs have already benefited from training through a capacity-building project implemented by UNESCO (2013-2018). However, the capacities of other such organizations needed to be strengthened due to their insufficient grasp of the mechanisms and scope of the 2003 Convention and its implementation. To respond to this need, the project implemented a series of activities geared at equipping participants with the necessary tools and competences to safeguard living heritage. The project main objectives were: the creation and publication of a simplified guide on the implementation of the 2003 Convention; the organization of three capacity-building workshops; the creation of a national network of NGOs active in intangible cultural heritage; the creation of a website for the network; the acquisition of the equipment needed to carry out inventorying exercises; and monitoring and evaluation activities. Throughout the activities, an emphasis was placed on the importance of involving bearer communities and civil society in the implementation of the Convention.
Noticias y actividades:
18/08/2018 - 16/08/2021 – Programa de apoyo al sistema educativo para la transmisión del patrimonio cultural inmaterial25/07/2018 - 24/07/2021 – Fortalecimiento de las capacidades para la aplicación efectiva de la Convención para la Salvaguardia del Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial de 2003 en el Líbano