La Huaconada, danse rituelle de Mito (Pérou)
Candidature: Liste représentative 2010
EN: Row of modern Huacones. Mito, Concepcion, Junin
EN: Old Huacones in a gesture that uses the cape to resemble the wings of the condor. Mito, Concepcion, Junin
EN: Orchestra performing the Huaconada music. At the center, a musician playing the "tinya" (small drum of pre-Columbian origin). Mito, Concepcion, Junin
EN: Group of Huacones in the Mito square. At the center, in a smaller number, the old Huacones; at the sides, the modern Huacones. Mito, Concepcion, Junin
EN: Profile of modern Huacon. Note the prominent nose, which resembles the beak of the condor. Mito, Concepcion, Junin
EN: Modern Huacon making a defiant gesture to the public. Mito, Concepcion, Junin
EN: Old Huacones at the center of the group of dancers. Mito, Concepcion, Junin
EN: Old Huacones during the "escaramuza" (competition of acrobatic steps performed in couples). Mito, Concepcion, Junin
EN: Modern Huacones. Mito, Concepcion, Junin
EN: Modern Huacones passing through the Mito square. Mito, Concepcion, Junin