La sauvegarde du patrimoine de l’accueil familial dans la… (Belgique)
Candidature: Registre de bonnes pratiques de sauvegarde 2023
EN: Foster Family in Geel: Ann (l.) with her son (r.) and two boarders
EN: At the visitor center of the OPZ Geel visitors can obtain information about the psychiatric care in Geel. Experts by experience are involved in the realization and operation of the visitor center. Their testimonials are essential part
EN: Students interview their neighbor, a foster parent and former OPZ nurse for the oral history project 'Among the people. The remarkable history of PFC in Geel'
EN: A mentally vulnerable artist and expert by experience gives students of a local high school a tour of the Art Centre 'Yellow Art' after they have completed a workshop together
EN: In the Hospital Museum there is a separate route on Dympna and the origin of the psychiatric foster care. The silver shrine (1612-1613) that used to house relics of Saint Dympna is still carried around every Dympna procession
EN: Visitors hosted by an expert by experience on the grounds of OPZ Geel
EN: The GheelaMania theatre project during the quinquennial Dympna Days involves a large part of the population, including a lot of youngsters
EN: During the rehearsal of GheelaMania, the artistic director Luc Stevens gives instructions to the actors
EN: The Geel community is closely involved in the Saint Dympna procession. This scene depicts the beheading of Dympna by her father
EN: Inclusive, intergenerational Choir 'The Betties'', an initiative of 'Huis Perrekes', an organisation that takes care of people with dementia. The mental healthcare programme of Huis Perrekes is built on a hulan and community-based approach, reflecting the caretaking tradition of Geel