Le Blaudruck/Modrotisk/ Kékfestés/Modrotlač, impression… (Allemagne, Autriche, Hongrie, Slovaquie, Tchéquie)
Candidature: Liste représentative 2018
EN: Restoration of the hand-crafted blocks (Modeln / formy / nyomódúc / formy) used to apply the designs onto cloth
EN: Production of the indigo dye using natural indigo. In Europe, practitioners used this plant (Isatis tinctoria) until the end of the 19th century. Since the introduction of synthetic indigo most European practitioners use synthetic indigo
EN: A dye-resistant paste is applied to the cloth. What ingredients are used, how they are mixed, in what proportions, as well as information about additional ingredients are well-kept secrets of each practitioner
EN: Practitioners use handcrafted blocks to apply the resist-printed designs onto cloth. The resist paste prevents the dye from penetrating the design and the printed pattern remains undyed after immersion in the indigo vat
EN: The printed fabric is stretched onto a special frame (called Stern- Reif /ráfy /ráf /ráfy), immersed in the indigo bath (a vat called Küppe/ kypa/ Küpe/ küpa/ kypa) and left under the surface. As the cloth is removed, it takes in oxygen from the air, and the fabric turns from yellow to green to blue
EN: After dyeing the fabric is hung up to dry. Indigo builds colour on the cloth, becoming deeper with each immersion in the dye
EN: Traditional workshop with indigo vats (called Küppe/ kypa/ Küpe/ küpa/ kypa) in which the cloth is dyed
EN: In recent years, the practitioners have begun to cooperate with designers and artists on a local, as well as international, level. A growing number of designers and artists interpret the tradition in new ways, such as Anna Laura Hegedüs / PIROSHKA (Hungarian designer)
EN: Young designers, in particular, are making increasing use of the products and, thus, promote local cultures across borders. This not only supports the practitioners but also brings a sense of pride and self-esteem to local communities
EN: Training course with adults in a workshop: In small groups, people are familiarized with the craft and the techniques