Le rūkada nātya, théâtre traditionnel de marionnettes… (Sri Lanka)
Candidature: Liste représentative 2018
EN: Performing a ritual prior to felling a tree for wood for puppet carving
EN: Audience enjoying pupper drama
EN: Carving puppets
EN: Dressing the puppet before a performance
EN: 'Hanging' puppets inside backstage before a performance
ES: Títeres colgados entre bastidores antes de una representación
EN: Hand-cymbal and daaning-bells used as musical instruments; dancing-bells are tied tot he ankles of the puppeteer
EN: Traditional Sri Lankan trumpet (horanewa) and drum (maddlaya) used as musical instruments
EN: Hand-written scripts of puppet dramas
EN: Front-view of the puppet proscenium
EN: Young members learning puppet manipulation at home