Les fêtes de la Saint-Tryphon et le kolo (danse en cercle)… (Croatie)
Candidature: Liste représentative 2020
EN: The Kolo of St Tryphon is blessed by the Bishop of Kotor, Ilija Janjić. THe leader of the Kolo approaches the bishop who led the holy mass, and only after the blessing does the squad begin to dance the Kolo
EN: A display of the final, 12th figure, when church and secular dignitaries enter the Kolo. On this occasion, Ilija Janjić, Bishop of Kotor, and Captain Božo Brajak, president of the confraternity, joined the Kolo
EN: Kolo of St Tryphon in Rijeka
EN: Two Little Admirals with a sailor of the Boka Navy, the method of transferring and protecting the tradition of the Boka Navy
EN: Little Admiral Karlo Schubrt reads a praise to St Tryphon from the altar in church before holy mass
EN: A picture of Verige figure during the celebration of the Feast Day of St Tryphon in Rijeka, 2015
EN: The 'Veliko Kolo' (en. great Kolo) is formed when the leader of the Kolo and the last dancer in the Kolo join, Rijeka
EN: A display of the figure of the Great Kolo in Rijeka in 2017, when the squads of all the confraternaties gathered upon the arrival of the relics of St Bogdan Leopold Mandić, Rijeka
EN: A picture of Verige or Chain figure, Rijeka
EN: Bishop of Kotor Ilija Janjić with the Boka Kotorska community in Rijeka