La tradition du concours de fauchage d’herbe à Kupres (Bosnie-Herzégovine)
Candidature: Liste représentative 2020
EN: Veteran mower Vinko Čičak, a multiple winner : Chief Mover - in his characteristic mower's posture during the competition
EN: The honored winner : Chief Mover - Ivo Ivković from Kupres, after the winner's announcement ceremony
EN: Young mower Arnes Ramčić and his accompanying raker at the competition
EN: A veteran mower, a young mower and a raker at Strljanica
EN: Members of 'Kupreške' Women's Association at Strljanica stand with home-made products and souvenirs
EN: A young mower learning how to mow the grass in the traditional way based on the instructions from a senior mower
EN: Mowers, before the beginning of the competition
EN: The mowing terrain during the mowers' competition, Strljanica 2016
EN: The International Festival Mowing Days 2010. The opening ceremony of the event and traditional children's dances, City Sqaure in Kupres
EN: Old crafts: makers of scythes, mowing accessoires and other traditional handicraft products related to agriculture at Strljanica