Le Programme de sauvegarde des Bandos et Parrandas des… (Venezuela (République bolivarienne du))Candidature: Registre de bonnes pratiques de sauvegarde 2023
EN: Bolero dressing for the Bandos and Parrandas of the Holy Innocents of Caucagua celebration
EN: The Bandos and Parrandas of the Holy Innocents take to the Caucagua streets
EN: Nucleus of Initiation and Transmission of Wisdoms in action
EN: Parranderos: two generations, one wisdom and one practice
EN: Bolero Boy
EN: Community Council for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage. Chapter: Los Cerritos
EN: Bandos and Parrandas of the Holy Innocents: Saints. Female leadership
EN: Bandos and Parrandas of the Holy Innocents: equity and intergeneration participation
EN: Flag-bearer of the Holy Innocents
EN: Young women of Caucagua: empowerment for the Safeguarding